Monday, April 16, 2007

Fever Weirdness


Anyone who knows me has seen me make my "Freudian Prophecies". It became so common in the past few years that people actually gave it a name.

Sometimes, out of the blue, I'll say one thing but mean to say another; just like a Freudian Slip. However, those things that slip out often turn out to be true or to come true.

Either I'll say something like, "When your daughter comes to visit, you two can work on the house" and mean to say "When your friends come to visit, you can work on the house."

I know what I meant to say but it comes out weird. Sure enough, within a week of me telling that person (a friend named Misha), her daughter contacted her out of the blue and asked to visit for 2 weeks that summer - a few months away from my prediction.

Well, some other times, when I'm ill, I'll have even weirder premonitions.

When I get sick I get a fever; every time. When I get a fever I normally get dizzy and want to just sleep my way back to recovery. However, when I'm fighting the fever I go through random periods of chills and sweats while asleep. This makes for some very funky dreams.

Just like the Freudian Prophecies, the fevered dreams tend to come true too.

This past Sunday, while curled up and fighting the fever - I kept having a dream of blood-covered books. Granted, I was watching "The Stand" on scifi all day - so I didn't take it too seriously.

Em found me on Yahoo this morning and, knowing that I was in a fevered state yesterday, asked me what I saw. So I told her.

I didn't think much of it so I went to class and then left campus to grab some food and head home.

Now here's where it gets weird.

When I got home, my best friend, Chris, called me to see if I had heard about the shootings at Virginia Tech.

I hadn't.

The shootings started while I was in class and there was some initial footage of blood-splattered books since the shooter went into a lecture hall.




Anonymous said...


I've had precognitive dreams my entire life, but they've always come across more like "deja-vu" than in symbolism like that.

That's just freakish!

Barbara Fisher said...

Hello, Tom.

First of all--sorry about the crappy cold. I am ever so lucky that my immune system has been in overdrive since I got pregnant, so I haven't been sick in over a year.

Secondly--the VT dream.

I am happy that I never precog anything much of national/international importance. My grandmother dreamed about the plane that turned upside down and fell out of the sky in the 1970's--and of course, what could she do about it? Another couple of friends dreamed about people falling, fire and towers being destroyed before 911--to what avail?

The only things I have dreamed about have been instances or people who turn out to be significant to me in my life, or in the life of someone close to me. I dreamed about both husbands before I met them--the first when I was a child, the second when I was a young woman. I dreamed about finding a wolf dog beside the road the day before we found Nanika. I have dreamed things about friends which have come true, but never anything of great social import like VT.

I think I would be weirder than I am if my precog worked that way.

Anyway, hugs to you, and much love.

We miss you and think of you often here in Athens.