Thursday, April 5, 2007

Da Roof

Time: 9:00 a.m.
Location: Office
Mood: Hate the cold. Love the Chai. (Luuuuuv the chai)

Well, yesterday was my first sort-of break from playing with the roof. With the cold snap that came out of no where - my sinuses decided to run amok and turn my stomach sour. Yes, I do hate it when that happens. Mother nature must have a serious case of ADD.

Listen lady. Keep it spring for 3 months, -then- summer, and... wait for it...FALL... and then you can take a break again and let it be winter for a while. Stay on task woman!

Well, Tuesday the roofing was finished and we put up "rolled roofing" rather than shingles. Much easier to put up and a lot lighter on the frame. My grandfather said that it will do everything it needs to do for the next ten years so I shouldn't have to worry about it.

Now we're putting on the side-walls and the guttering. We have three of the sidewall pannels up and have to wait a while on the others because the guttering needs to go up first so it can be hidden from the inside.

So, the remainder of the project includes:

  1. Finish the gutters
  2. Move some of the larger stone blocks out from behind the car port
  3. Finish the wall pannels & lattice inserts
  4. Dig the drainage ditch along the back wall
  5. Grade the back edge to get rid of some of the mud and excess dirt
  6. Cover the ground with gravel
  7. Paint the enterior.
  8. (eventually) hang new lights inside the Port

So, I've still got some work to be done and hopefully it will warm up so I can do it.


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