Thursday, July 26, 2007

Come to the Dark Side

Come to the Dark Side

The Dark Side gets all the cool toys. You come to the Dark Side, we can guarantee you a cape. You wanna use your powers to get into the movie theater for free? Cool with us. We provide excellent theme music for stalking through your lair. Oh, and don't forget: black is slimming, and it goes with everything. Power, strength, fashion sense, a great 401k, plus, we offer the ultimate prize -- cookies!


Emeleth said...

Ooh! Sign me up!

*wicked smile* Sorry about the recruiting bonus on this one, I've been with the Dark Side for ages... *maniacal cackle*

Tim said...

Mr... Maltharius, is it? I regretfully inform you that a cease and desist notice has been issued until which time as an opposite number can produce reasonable financial backing and membership, in accordance with the Libra laws, specifically those introduced in Chapter 11, paragraphs 19-21. These laws, put into place approximately 500 bc by a representative of the Libric order, named Dregael. While he has since been released from contract, his work remains in the form of the law which strictly prohibits recruitment to the 'Dark Side' (see Star Wars for further litigation) without a legitimate recruiter for what one might term the 'Light Side'.

On that note however, the Libric laws DO contain a number of loopholes, and I would be persuaded to educate you on these, assuming, of course, you accept this aforementioned explanation as my resumé and leverage.