Thursday, May 10, 2007

Triangular Shaped Robots

From: My Army

After reading my post about "My Army", a friend of mine asked a simple question:

"Who would be scared of triangular robots?"

My response:

This model of triangular robots was quite effectual though a bit more on the 'lumbering giant' side. The ability to hyperexanguinate THOSE WHO ARE NOT ON THE LISTS is quite breath taking. I think it was the grey powder of their former shells that really helped push this one through R&D.
This earlier model is something that I had suggested. The triangular wing design allows for ease of mobility across the many types of terrain on this planet and can still use the beam weapon effectively. However, it must be said that the 'throng' used by the first model is superior at frightening the enemy targets.

So... I would say that there are some people who would be scared of triangular robots. :)


Heath said...

did you mean "hyper-exsanginate"?

Emeleth said...

Hyper-ex-whathesaid = pull all their blood (n stuff) out of them really fast. ;p

I think the triangular robots are *lol* I mean, you'd have to feed clones, and everyone knows zombies are essentially uncontrolable. ;)