Saturday, May 19, 2007

Evil. E-Vil

Laps around the Cemetery: 4
Basement projects: 2
Times I've surfed Blick's online Catalog: 283
Bowls of Starbuck's Java Chip Ice Cream: 3 (at least it's not cookies)
Bookporn sites visited: 5 (Look at the pages on that one)
Showers: 3 (I love my hot water heater)
Number of series downloaded: 2 (I can quit anytime I want)

So, there I was - just out of the shower for the second time today (after the basement projects) and I remembered that I had a half-eaten quart of Java-Chip ice cream from Starbucks in the freezer. It called to me.

Yes, called.

I don't like chocolate, but this coffee-chocolate combo thing isn't bad.

This weekend got off to a weird start. I slept most of Friday - maybe a blood sugar thing and today I worked on the basement for a while and just could not stay clean for more than 4 hours. First it was just the morning 'wake my butt up' shower. Then it was the 'I'm covered in basement gick' shower, and then finally it was the 'how did I get that sweaty walking all...over...Portsmouth' shower.

oh well, I'm going to get back to my Evil.



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