Well, I've found out that there are several openings for 101 classes next quarter, but there is a limit as to how many hours that I can teach as adjunct per year; 20. I didn't know that there was a limit. If I do another 8 hours next quarter, then I'll only have 4 possible in Summer - though we'll be on Semesters so I don't know how that will change the limit.
I met another member of the faculty this morning who seems to be in charge, to some capacity, of hiring adjunct faculty. I think he's on a committee that decides which classes to farm out and which will be handled by the professors. The odd thing was that he, just like the Chair, seem almost directly avertive. He spoke 'around' me for a few moments - to Sandy about scheduling. Then he finally introduced himself to me but when he spoke he all but looked away from me the entire time. Only when I stepped back to the doorway of the office, practically removing myself from the conversation, did he feel comfortable enough to look in my direction and speak 'to' me rather than 'at' me.
Very confusing.
However, he did mention that it would be very handy if I could help them out next quarter with some classes - possibly in the evening. Then he realized who I was, apparently, and said that if I can teach in the day that they could use me there too and that it would probably be easier to just have me teach 101 again since I am teaching it now.
Oops, class is about to start. I need to head across campus. The professor who has the room before me -always- holds his students until the very last minute and usually longer. To me, that's rude and inconsiderate; it's as though he belives that his class is the only class the students have.
See ya later.
1:40 p.m. Well, the afternoon blew past me in a blurr. I barely remember the time but the chapter I reviewed for Soc wasn't really holding my thoughts that well. Isn't interesting that when you have nothing to do, time can drag on and take forever and when you're busy, two hours isn't long enough to finish anything?
It's all a question of relativity. The perception of the passage of time is relative, not constant because our perception is relative.
Yeah, I've been wanting to make some deep, meaningful statement on my blog and that was probably it for the month.
I'm sitting in the classroom for my afternoon class, sociology, and listening to the various conversations of the students who are waiting here for me to begin. I usually get into the class about a half-hour earlier than when I start so I can try and talk to the students a bit and get to know them.
Oh yeah, I found out that it's 28 hours per academic year not 20. I asked Sandi once I got back from this morning's class and she clarified. There's also, no limit for the summer quarter since normally it's voluntary for the professors to teach at that time. I'm not sure if I'd get any classes then or not, but I need to see if there's anything part-time on campus that I can grab just incase one of the quarters they don't have as many classes as necessary.
Since the academic year is only from Fall through Spring, I doubt that I would exceed 28 hours. It's going to shift to 19 hours when we move to Semesters, but the average course has 3 hours rather than 4. If they have me teach 6 hours a quarter, then I'll just have 12 for that year.
Here's to hoping that they use me for 101 classes for the indefinite future.
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