9:45 a.m. Slush. That's what we got from the big storm last night. There was some snow but apparently it warmed up over the night and now we have a mixture of snow and and rain
slushing the roads. As expected,
Mabert (beyond 17
th street) is a frothy mess of slippery, slushy goodness. Well, perhaps not goodness.
I'm down at the University in the library waiting for the Army Reserve guy. He wants to go over the materials from the study guides since he was out for a few classes with military things. He's the first person to ask for my office hours so I'm inclined to let him ask questions before the test tomorrow. I intended to copy out my psych test before he showed up but by the time I got down here it was too close to the meeting.
I still need to finish the soc quiz when I get home and do a few loads of laundry. I didn't expect it to keep piling up on me. I guess that while I was sort of 'working at home' I didn't go through that many things but now with me working out 3x a week, I'm going through stuff a lot faster. Speaking of working out, I found myself pouring over a men's exercise magazine last night. I was researching some different ab workouts since my crunches aren't getting me the results I want. Currently I'm doing 6 sets of 15 and although it does burn, it doesn't feel like it's hitting all the places I want it to hit.
Yeah, I just talked about working out, ab-ripping routines and the like. Run for the hills, the world is ending and my army is pressing its way through the gauntlet as we speak. It's not entirely unlikely that an archaeologist can be in shape. I remember one time when Chris and I were watching
SG-1 and normally he's the one commenting that something on the show wouldn't happen the way they showed it (something military). Well, this one time, they showed Dr. Daniel Jackson laying in his bed with his shirt off; the man is in great shape.
I remember saying, "That's not possible." It caught Chris' attention for a moment and he looked at me for an explanation. I realized what I said and snickered, "Archaeologists don't look like that! God won't allow it!"
Of course, my mental picture of an archaeologist is a mixture of Dr. Elliot Abrams, my instructor from Ohio University, and Dr.
Jeb Bowem, the 'Digger who inspired me when I was a kid. Both of whom are skinny, pale white-guys who don't get tanned so much as just getting burnt in varying degrees. Look to the image of Dr. Robert
Langdon from the
Da Vinci code; Tom Hanks
doeth not an Adonis make.
Even if I can't become completely ripped - though that would completely floor some of my friends - loosing all the fluff I gained in the 'Corporate-Chrome' phase of life will definitely be a step in the right direction.
11:24 a.m. Well, the Army guy was late but apologetic. He didn't need help with the review; he said that it was pretty straight-forward and didn't have a problem with the material. He did, however, want to pick my brain about psychology as a possible field for him. He's a first quarter student who's been out of Academia since high school and is trying to do something with his life. I talked to him for a while and found that he picked 'Sports Management' since it was going to be easy for him but he was concerned that it wouldn't be marketable. I suggested crisis counseling to him since he's had years experience as an NCO in the Army and enjoyed the feelings of success when he could help one of his soldiers get through some tough times.
After our pow-wow about some of his choices, he wanted me to show him the gym since he wants to work out more. He even quoted something we had gone over in class; how working out releases
seratonin which is a natural depression inhibitor. He seems like a really good guy and I expect him to be one of my better students. He's definitely got more drive, focus and determination than most of them.
Hrm. Getting hungry.
Once I get the test copied, I'll be heading home to grab some food and start laundry.