4:04 p.m.
Workout (Check), Laundry (Check), House Project #73 (Check), Letter (Check), Journal (Check), Sitting in comfy, air conditioned, dark office (CHECK), Muscles in pain (Check), Friend called (check), blog (working on it)
Well, I'm back from my 3 p.m. workout and still cooling off. My right bicep is aching because I lifted a bit too much today. After lots of off-again, on-again exercise all summer long, I was kind of leary to get back on the scales here on campus. After the obligatory, 10 minute, cardio sprint, I stepped on them to find I way LESS now than I did when I finished spring quarter. Woo-Hoo!
It must be all that clean living.
So right now I'm back in my office and sipping on a diet pepsi (lack of caff has caused the onset of eye-splitting headaches again so I'm back on the stuff for a while) and cooling down while I look through my stuff for class. Thankfully, tonight is just an introduction and syllabus. There's not much to things so I'll be in and out in less than an hour.
My new schedule for Tuesday - Thursday is:
3 - 4: Workout
4 - 6: Office
6 - 9: Class
I should probably be home around 9:30 - 10 p.m. if people are curious why I'm not responding to the constant 'ping' of Yahoo IM.
Owwie (yep, still sore).
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