Thursday, August 23, 2007

Did someone say... Crusade?

From the LA Times:

"Maybe what the war in Iraq needs is not more troops but more religion. At least that's the message the Department of Defense seems to be sending."

"Apparently the wonks at the Pentagon forgot that Muslims tend to bristle at the word "crusade" and thought that what the Iraq war lacked was a dose of end-times theology."

"It's time to actively strip the so-called war on terror of its religious connotations, not add to them. Because religious wars are not just ugly, they are unwinnable. And despite what Operation Straight Up and its supporters in the Pentagon may think is taking place in Iraq, the Rapture is not a viable exit strategy."

Once more with feeling...

Ahh HELL no.


1 comment:

Emeleth said...

What? No "Kiss my @$$, Jeffery"? *lmao*