Sunday, January 14, 2007

One Woman's Crusade

When I heard about some Evangelical Church out in Missouri that was mentioned on CNN or MSNBC for teaching a radical new model of faith, I was a bit curious. Why did this make the news? Evangelical churches are usually considered the most vocal of the new Christian movements since they focus on the process of Evangelizing anyone who doesn't believe as they do.

The Church that was mentioned condemned movies / books like Harry Potter and anything that didn't immediately preach the evils of such topics. Unlike every other Evangelist church, this one focuses on turning out "children who are as radical about the gospels as those kids (of Islam who are blowing themselves up)."

So I found the movie, "Jesus Camp" which is a one hour documentary about their movement and watched it to get more of a complete picture. I was surprised. As much as I thought I knew what the Evangelical 'pulse' was, this one woman took things and ran back to the Witch Hunts. So, I watched it a few more times and picked up the most disturbing points that jumped out at me and cut them together using the cheapo movie maker program.

This is one woman's crusade. She has found others to help her convince the children around her community that not only need they repent and be washed of their sins (what sins could an 8 year old have? and be held accountable for?) but also become "soldiers of god".

I would like to say that I'm not an alarmist but with her message gaining strength with each year and with eacy summer camp they hold, it is assumed that before she might lose her steam - someone else might pick up her crusade and continue. The crusade to turn small children into religious zealots, red-faced with tears and crying because they must repent their sins and live only for their god IS alarming. Her own concern that Christianity (the Evangelical movement) doesn't have its own martyrs like Islam is disturbing. Though I'm sure that her press coordinator would argue that her words were misinterpreted or that her message was being perverted by a Liberal's adgenda - it really sounds like she's wanting the kids she's training (conditioning) to push themselves to the level of the Muslim Extremists.

If it didn't work out so well for the Middle East, why would it work any better here? It sounds like she's calling for an American Intifada. She focuses the kids on politics and the law - they routinely praise cardboard cut-outs of the current President Bush - thanking him for bringing the Evangelical message into the political landscape of America. She would have the politicians and the police to enforce scriptural law. In Saudi Arabia they have a word for that - it's called the Matawwa - the Religious police.

One Woman's Crusade. One People's Crusade. One step backwards towards the return of the condemnation of Heretics and Blasphemers. One small step to the right and a strict adoption of fanatical religious fundamentalism.

I normally urge people to continue their personal quests - to continually strive for their goals. However, with this blog I'm going to borrow the maxim of my friend and former Master and say:

Be mindful and awake


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