Monday, January 29, 2007

The Aftermath

12:18 p.m.

Well, this morning's class went fairly well. There was a little fizzeling in the material towards the last bit because the students were restless to get their tests. The only student who hadn't taken the test and who had emailed me in advance was there today and while he left to take the test, I handed out the results.

I asked the students if they head read the material before the quiz and everyone raised their hand. I asked them if anyone had ever asked a question in class and only two people could say, consistently, that they had. I encouraged them to alter their thinking and become more involved in the class. I also handed out the review questions and asked them if they would rather have them before the class so they could answer them in advance or on the day of. They voted to get them prior to the class so I'll be turning out two chapters worth of review questions for Wednesday.

I still have to compare the list of students who have taken the test to my class list and see who hasn't taken it all and who didn't email me. They'll get no points at all for the first test and are already at a disadvantage. One of my students asked how many bonus points I'll be giving out throughout the rest of the quarter because she failed this first test and would "hate to be dropped from the dean's list". I don't know if tha twas her pride talking or if she was actually interested in what kind of grade she could pull out of this class.

Now that I'm giving them the review questions for each chapter, there's no excuse about not being ready for the next quiz.


Well, this morning was damn cold and the wind about ripped the skin off me but it looks like it's trying to warm up a little now. I'm sitting in the library and looking out through the big windows to see huge splotches of sunlight across the center of campus.

I have to prepare two chapters for Wednesday and grade the last of this morning's quizes. As far as I remember, there were a few people who hadn't taken the Soc test yet so I'll have to check in with the Success Center before I go to class to grab any last minute tests.

1:05 p.m. I think that I'lll run around campus and get some pics for this blog entry. I've already run the comparison between the grades I have on file and the number of students in my class and 7 students didn't email or show for class. I'm not sure if I should email them or just report them to the department as no-shows after the cut-off date.

I'm so craving a mountain dew or something completely unhealthy right now. Grr.

1:30 p.m. Ok, so I got a Dew. I am pulling a work out 3x a week now. I can afford to have a little evil in my life now. I stopped by the Success Center and found out that my last Psych test was finished and turned in so I can grade it after Soc. I've also got one last student to finish.

Ok, students here.

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