Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Rubber Chicken Express

Ya know...

Jack Burton once said, "Give me your worst. I can handle it." Jack is a character from the infamous cult movie, "Big Trouble in Little China".

While driving up to Athens this past Friday, I got behind a Semi truck and saw something yellow hanging from the rear. As I got closer, I could tell that someone had hung a rubber chicken from the back door. My mind instantly said, "Rubber Chicken Express" and I thought about the movie and my friend's own... Interpretation of such a thing.

I'm not sure if we would be fighting someone like David Lo Pan, or if we could find someone as cool as Egg Shen, but I really don't want to have someone blow up on me.

So, maybe it was just something of a joke. Maybe it was put there by the Universe so I would get a laugh on the way up to Athens and maybe it was a hint that "Big Trouble" is just around the corner. Maybe it's all three.

Who's to say?

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