Thursday, December 7, 2006

Almost Forgot

Resees Minis - 6 (Damn!) , Situps - 40 (Ugh.), Pushups - 30 (Better)

Have you ever taken pictures on your camera and then forgotten that you had them? I take a lot of pics on my digital camera and will download them into my "raw" folder to be processed and reviewed later. I found these pics as I was cleaning out some of my photos and wanted to post them.
I had taken these pics in my grandfather's garage probably about a month ago. There, sitting in a funnel-shaped web in a pile of old flower pots, was this odd spider that didn't retreat from me. Immediately I grabbed my camera from my bag and tried to get some close shots of it. Normally I don't get the opportunity to take such detailed pictures so it was nice to try out that function on my camera. I zoomed in and took several shots and still the spider did not move. I began to think that it was dead but it would move a little if I blew at the web.

It was patient.

So, while speaking with my mother about the latest batch of job searches, I continued to take additional pictures and still the spider would not move.

This is the best shot, I think. It shows the legs bunched up so the spider can either retreat or pounce forward on whatever might enter its' web. Very Shelob. The image of the spider, immobile within the 'tunnel' of the web created reminded me of Xenomorphs from Aliens and all those early D&D games when I was a kid. A monstrous spider was never an encounter that we worried about. Unless someone got poisoned from a bite or tangled in a web there wasn't much of a problem. However, now that I look at this picture, I think I would be a bit less brave to hurl a fireball down range at such a thing. It has only two directions to go - backwards and forwards. As the "fighters" charge forward to engage the legs and fangs, I, as a Mage, would attempt to deal damage at range.

Only once did our Dungeon Master think that my fire spells would also catch the web on fire and cause us additional problems. Burning webs would fall from the ceiling like napalm and the silken floor would combust under your feet. I, like many Magi, quickly learned never to attack with fire in such cramped quarters.

It's still a cool picture of a spider.

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