Friday, December 22, 2006

Leather and Paper

Cookies: 4 (Hey, they were a gift.) Mornings waking up with a snotty head: 5 (Ugh, damn weather!) Cough Drops consumed: 6 (getting better). Workout: N/A (No way am I going for Push and Puke.)

Yesterday, a friend of mine came down to drop off some Christmas goodies.

Mmm. Pumpkin Bread.

In exchange for such benevolent baking, I offered her materials of my own addiction; paper and leather. Several rolls of leather for hard and soft-cover books as well as some card stock for one of her projects and a book blank incase she would need to whip up a new book on the quick.

The weather today is grey and wet - urging my sinuses, which were doing fine last night, to fill up and choke me early this morning. Not that I'm a great fan of running around to Christmas parties and such, but I'd rather not be sick. I can't concentrate to work half of the time if I'm so dizzy and light-headed that reading is a wasted effort and writing is on-par with a heavily-sugared six year old with his new box of crayons and a clean wall.

Right now I'm waiting for the kettle to heat up so I can get a cup of chai. Anything to cut through this gick.

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