Friday, October 26, 2007

Kitten Pics

Now that I've gotten them into a box and Cinder has accepted that we're not going to play the "hide and go seek the kitten" game, I've got a pic of the remaining 3.

This morning, my mother came over to pick up one of the kittens, one of the all-black ones, and take it to her house to keep the first one company. So now I have three kittens for Cinder to nurse which should be easier for her. A running theory between my mother and myself is that Cinder may have pushed the first kitten away and ignored it because five kittens were just too much on her system.

That's a theory at least.


Ref: Phantom Kitty, Phantom Kitty My Ass


Barbara Fisher said...

It may have been the runt of the litter; cat mothers sometimes reject the runts.

Especially the not very experienced cats.

They really are cute, though, Tom.

Emeleth said...

Awwwww....Look how precious! Kitties!!