Thursday, December 6, 2007

Snowy Campus

Campus was a cloaked in a snowy white blanket of fluff yesterday. The flurries in the air stuck to my jacket and tie when I walked from my car to Massie Hall (where my office is).

The University was quick to salt, scrape and clear the walks so that it was easy to walk but there were some icy patches here and there. The campus, though not as scenic as Ohio University, didn't look too bad in the snow.

The trees on the Green (the patch of grass down the center) kind of gave the illusion that the campus was a bit larger than it is. They need some benches around the trees - someplace where you can sit in the warmer months.

I think that Shawnee has potential. It could be a very nice, small campus in time.



Mad Maloch said...

Ah. And so the season that ive been waiting for has come. That old beast known as winter is here and its faithfull rejoice. This means that there is a very happy Will here in Columbus. Though my good friend the "Fricken Lizard" must not feel so well. My sympathies Bud but you know how I love the snow.

Emeleth said...

*giggle* I did something today, winter related, that I've never done before. I bought myself a winter coat! *gasp* But Em has many coats, you say. Yes, most of which I made myself. But they are not here in the great white north WITH me (in storage), so I have been very cold here until today. We've had a week where the temperature has never gotten above freezing, and this is still not officially winter yet. :D