Sunday, March 2, 2008

Mother Nature Needs Ritalin...

Ok, maybe not but she definitely needs to make up her mind.

Today the temperature had climbed into the 60's and I had to get out into it for a while. So I grabbed my camera and went out to the lake.

The lake was pregnant with all of the run off from the past week's snow and rain and I tried to get some video clips of it from a different point of view.

The vid above is from the main stream and small pool and the other is of a small creek that leads off into the hills.


Barbara Fisher said...

It was beautiful here in Athens yesterday--we took Kat to the college green, and she, Morganna, James, Zak and I got to play in the grass. Kat LOVED the grass, and the mud, and she liked trucking around, walking while someone held her hands.

Lots of students, female and male, had fun watching her.

Oh, and her hair is getting curly, and redder.

Of course, today is raining, cold and flooding, so spring was here for a brief moment. It's supposed to snow early tomorrow morning. Lucky us.

Emeleth said...

*sigh* I wore sandals to work yesterday...and tonight it's supposed to snow. *shakes head in dismay*