Monday, June 11, 2007

Karma can be a bitch


There I was in my office running back and forth to the copier to get the last of my Psychology final from the "Machine that Eats Paper" when I saw what looked to be smoke out of one of the windows. Sure enough that's what it was. I saw that there was a car on fire in the parking lot.

As you can see here, the fire is localized in the front, right quarter of the car as though it were centered near or over the break or front wheel. I would imagine that a break pad was froze and the friction of driving super-heated it.

The small fire continued to grow and whatever material that was covering the car began to melt.
I sat in my chair with a few other faculty members around my window and snapped a few pictures to document the fire.

Eventually the fire department did show up and put the fire out but it took a while. The car next to the one burning finally did get moved and was surprisingly undamaged.

After everything cleared, I found out that the woman whose car was parked in the handicapped spot wasn't where she was supposed to be. She had parked there to "just run in" and handle something. One person said that it was a final. Another person said that she was there to see a professor. Either way, parking in a handicapped slot when you want to can sometimes bite ya in the ass.

Karma is a bitch.


1 comment:

Emeleth said...

Wow! And the most interesting thing that happened here today was a storm with magenta coloured lightning... You get the best photo ops from that little office of yours...