Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Have you ever wondered?

Have you ever wondered what your teacher does while you're sweating away on a test? Well,if you were in my Criminology class, you would have an idea.

I'm actually doing this to see if the keyboard still works. I haven't had the opportunity to use it that often since I got it back from you, but since it's with me I can toss it into my gymbag and write up lecturees, emails and such when I have a few minutes.

Not all of us have the cool, new IPhone so we have to make due with technology that is ... Eight years old?

God, I'm starving. My sinus gick finally decided to drain away about an hour before class tonight so now I need to put something on my stomach and quickly.

I wonder if that student realizes that wearing a low-cut shirt doesn't affect me like other professors? Ok, the question-mark is a bit harder to use since the keyboard is not as sensitive as my usual one.

You would think guys could bother to put on real pants when they come to class - it's not that hard. I mean, really - pajamas are cool...when you're in bed, in the dorms or stumbling towards an eight o'clock class.Not bothering to change for an evening class is just lack of effort.

Dude... Stop jiggling. Once is an itch. Three times and it's pocket-pool.

Have I started rambling yet?

Yeah, I think that at least one of my students is not with it right now. He is just staring off into space and occasionally mussing up his hair as though the stimulation will create a static charge and it will somehow make the neurons fire ONCE more.


Bottles of Mountain Dew: 14
Amp: 2
Ambiguous Coffee Cups: 3
Cans of Pepsi: 2
Guys who don't appear to have showered today: 4
Guys who don't appear to have showered for two days: 2
Women with a rooster-tail of hair tied back into a mess with something akin to a scrunchy: 4
Vacant stares by students up and to the right - 15
Concentrated stares down and to the left- 4
Number of strange looks by students as I type this out: 3

Well, I'm still waiting for a few of the students to finish. There are only four left in the room - one of them is a student who never shows up for class unless there is something to turn in or a test. He has a D and that's probably only because of the chapter reviews that post for the students to reference when they study.

I'm such a nice guy.

Don't sit there and snicker - I am.


I always try and help my students whenever possible. Professors who seem to have a chip on their shoulder and dare their students to knock it off have miss-placed priorities in my opinion. Yes, you should challenge your students but it should be challenging them to succeede, not to failt.

Hey, the skinny kid with the army buzz is done.

One more student left.

She's one hell of a writer though; her essays are always well-phrased and thought-out.

I think she's basically done so I'm goingto finishthis up and headout.

(yes, must focus on actually hitting the space bar to get it to work)



1 comment:

Emeleth said...

And my classmates wonder why I find it so easy to simply relate to my own professors as regular people instead of Gods of Academia. *snicker* This is why. *chuckle* Cause I'm sure you're not the onely one thinking stuff like this during a test. *cackle*
Nice, very expressive even if spelling (and typing) is a bit off. A-