Sunday, June 15, 2008

Flying a Kite

On June 15, 1752, Franklin successfully drew an electric charge from a rain cloud using a key tied to a kite.

Franklin a truly interesting person. His inventions and ideas on politics and technology were, in some ways, revolutionary; literally.

I wanted to blog about something this morning and found that I was more interested in a kite than the actual holiday celebrated today. The accomplishments of a man flying a kite with a brass key during a storm is more interesting, to me, than a holiday celebrating a figure that I've never known.

Similar to discussions about mysteriously ephemeral figures and prophets, I have heard my friends relate their thoughts on the matter and regail me with all of the stories associated with their childhood, but in the end I am left ignorant.

Perhaps my lack of faith in the figure celebrated today is connected to the lack of faith in the figure celebrated in late December and again with the first days of spring.

So, today, as families gather and phone calls are made back and forth - I will think of a man on a hill with a kite and a key.

At least -he- kept a notebook. :)



Emeleth said...

Happy Franklin Day!! :D

And along those lines, I think I have had no faith in the *ahem* other patriarchal figures due to my less than pleasant experiences with paternal types.

But I really like brass keys! And though I'm no good at making electricity work, I do enjoy the things it can add to computers and air conditioners. Ole Ben (Franklin, not Kenobi, although him too *hehe*) had some truly progressive ideas, for his time and even for ours. Good blog.

Emeleth said...

A new look..? Well, basic green does go with everything I suppose.