Thursday, April 3, 2008

Bedside Archaeology

Archaeologists often identify people by the objects found along side them in their graves. However, I was wondering what someone could tell about me if they were to examine the contents of my bed-side table.

So the question evolved into: What's beside your bed?

1. Field Book
2. Coffee Cup full of Pens
3. Lamp
4. Cellphone (and charger)
5. Laptop (and charger)
6. Dictionary of the Supernatural (Published in the 70's)
7. Introduction to Watercolors (Borders bargain books)
8. A small, cast-iron pipkin (think mini-cauldron)
9. Bottle of Water
10. A sleepy cat named Rusty (he decided to sprawl himself across the top)
11. The history and truth of the Unicorn* (A faux 'journal' with illustrations and some awesome calligraphy)
12. Marine K-Bar knife with sheath
13. Stack of blank note-cards


Emeleth said...

*hmm* Okay, I'll play along...
Journal with attached pen, book on "Power vs. Force" (psychology and human behavior), book on reflexology, lamp, cell phone and charger, bottle of water, pair of hand weights (that's where they landed after this morning's workout, should put those away), and a large house plant (Neem or Nimba, a small East Indian tree with medicinal properties).
But I'm not sure if this truly counts since I'm sleeping on a couch in my brother's library.

D. Gilbert Trout said...

If Future Generations unearthed what currently occupies my nightstand, they would think that I was living in a Shadowrun game.

Between the bullwhip on the bedpost, the rather large, sharp Kukri between the mattress and box springs, the stack of books, (bible with notes scribbled in page corners, The Oxford Annotated Apocrypha, the Hieroglyphic Monad by John Dee, and Hurwood's "Passport the Supernatural.") and maybe...JUST maybe...even a loaded 9mm...

Fortunately, my life's not like Shadowrun...My life really isn't that interesting. It was for a while there, but that was more, "Fatal Attraction" than "Shadow Run."

Rather boring now. I like boring. Really... ;-)