Someone play taps.
Ok, so it's not the 'FINAL' verdict, but it's at least going to hold until the end of winter. This is the old house; the Lime Green Leisure House, Tom's Home for Wayward Boys, etc.

The house (in its many shades of green) served me well for many years but I've finally caught the "House Bug". As soon as I finish one project, I see three more and realize how broke I am and probably going to be for the next year - especially on the salary of an Part-Time Professor.

And behold the birth of the new place. I already want to fix the front pillars, move the front lights and install a lamp post at the top of the stairs, etc., etc., etc. I think that the trim around the attic window and the three corbels need to be painted white to draw them out as architectural elements.
It may not be much, but at least it's home.
Home to many...
For above all things in this earth - a Maltharian is a most impeccable Host.
There, in a tower on a hill, lived a Monk.
Not a damp, moldy tower.
Nor a dry, bare empty tower.
It was a Monk tower,
And that means...Comfort.
A bit cheesy perhaps, but that's what makes it good.
It looks great. Of course, this means I won't be able to find your house anymore!
"For above all things in this earth - a Maltharian is a most impeccable Host." -Lord Maltharius 27 years after his ascendancy
I was thinking about things the other day, and I came up with what I believe to be the "Three P's of Maltharianism"
One: A Maltharian is nothing if not Polite.
Two: A Maltharian is nothing if not Punctual.
Three: A Maltharian is nothing if not Presentable.
It kinda got me thinking about the members of the 'Malthengeserit' Order, and their code of conduct.
But of course, I've been itching for some DnD. I can take only so much Star Wars before I need some fantasy adventure.
Ah look, the Gypsy comments on my Malthengeserits. Lovely. *sly smile*
That is a good one though, and a Triad as well. Most excellent.
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