Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Ancient Curse

See if you can follow this:

It's bad luck to wake someone on their day off. So, to counter-act this bad luck one must remember this:

The one who does the waking must offer the one who was doing the sleeping some caffiene.

The one who was doing the sleeping must drink the caffiene while the one who was doing the waking appologizes.

The one who was doing the sleeping and who is now doing the drinking listens to the man doing the speaking who was doing the waking while nursing the caffiene.

The one who did the waking and is doing the talking plys the man who is doing the drinking with gaming.

Thus, the man who was doing the waking is gaming with the man who was doing the sleeping while doing the drinking offered by the man who was speaking to solve this ancient and most terrible curse with gaming.



Emeleth said...

Aye, that'd do it.

So Paladin woke you up early and kept you from putting him on the list to be slain by your evil robot armoes by giving you coffee and proposing a most excellent game? That's my interpretation.

Brother Thomas said...

Actually, I'm the one who woke the Paladin up.

And recent events have changed the sides he'll be fighting on. He has volunteered to lead my army of evil robots against the masses.

Does my black heart good to hear such things.

Almost as good as I felt when I heard him quote the Emperor, "I will -make- it legal." Oh yeah, that shivers down my spine.

A Black... Paladin.



Emeleth said...

You do have your moments, Your Malthariousness. A Dark Paladin sort of reminds me of other Sith of recent fame. I like that, you're so gooood at evil. *wicked laugh*

Luv 'n kisses,
Darth Morliniel
(nope, couldn't say that with a straight face) *cackle*

Heath said...

I don't necessarily need coffee when I awaken ... but if whatever you are offering for apeasement is covered in chocolate sauce ... I might just temper my early morning mood ...

Emeleth said...

Um, Heath, that's just disturbing... Evil robots covered in chocolate sauce? Oh! Heath feels better. ;) (No, that's not the first thing that came to mind, but it was the first PG rated one.) :D