Thursday, May 17, 2007

Blood Sugar

Ok, this was a weird day.

Classes went fine and even Sociology (my afternoon class) was animated. However, towards the end of the class, I started to realize that as I moved around the room I was getting more and more dizzy.

I didn't realize what was going on and kept teaching and then it happened.

Just as I was concluding a point, my legs buckled. I pulled it off like I stumbled or something and just got rid of the students but it freaked me out.

A buddy of mine, who was there, saw what happened and realized that I've been working out harder than normal, (about 5 hours a week) and not eating a lot.

Blood sugar.

Who'da thunk it.


1 comment:

Bryian said...

See what happens when you try to get all Mr.Healthy, your body rebels!Give it Mt.Dew and Papa Johns and you'll be fine.

Seriously dude, death is not a good weight loss program. Look after yourself ya dork!