Thursday, March 27, 2008

I'm a Cowboy...

Somehow this song just crawled into my head when I was reading the "Back in the Saddle" post from the other day.

I'm a cowboy, on a steel horse I ride
I'm wanted dead or alive
Wanted dead or alive

So I have finished the first week back from Spring Break and it's raining... again.

I wanted to work on the back yard during the break but it rained so much that my back yard was little more than a quagmire of mud. I needed to put in some additional drainage around the edge around foundation of the car port. It didn't exactly work out as I had planned.

I hoped, foolishly, that this weekend would be dry enough for me to try something constructive. Well, it seems that it's going to be mud soup once more.

For some reason, a common element in my thoughts of late has been the 'Drifter'; a Cowboy, a Gypsy, etc. This would suggest that I'm not really comfortable with what I'm doing right now. It's an accurate assessment of things to be honest. Life isn't bad right now, per say, but it's not really giving me what I want out of life.

At one time, I had an image of myself on a motorcycle or a jeep and just traveling across country with a camera to explore all the Forgotten Places. The image is perhaps a bit stereotypical; the adventurous wanderer. The mysterious wanderer with a heart of gold and a dark secret. Cliche' of course, but it's something that I identified with very early on. Short of inheriting some serious money or figuring out how to travel on the cheap (not with today's gas prices), the "Wise Wanderer" moment will be on hold for a while.

However, I'm getting a case of itchy-feet. I just don't know where I want to go.

Well, correct that, I do know where I'd like to visit, but I can't afford a trip to Japan right now.

Though I would wish to be alone as I explored the various gardens and shrines, it would be nice to be able to share the trip over and back with someone. Such moments are best when you can experience them without distraction and allow yourself to take the time needed to fully appreciate them.

Discovery is made
when the mind is unclouded.


This post has deviated somewhat from my original notes (yes, I made notes for a blog entry while in my office this afternoon), so I should draw it to a close.

Always the Quest,

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