Saturday, November 24, 2007

And then there was One

This, is the last of Cinder's kitten - tentatively given the nickname of "White-Nose". Her twin sister, another black&white, was called "Black-Nose". It was the easiest way to tell them apart.

As there's only one kitten left, I've let White-Nose out of the box (aka: the cardboard prison of doom) and let it wander around the house with its mother.

You can see here the white flash up the nose of the kitten that SHOULD make it easy to give away.

And even though it's eating solid food and has for several weeks now, it can't resist grabbing a quick snack from Cinder.

Yes, this is the obligatory cute kitten shot. I couldn't resist grabbing the picture once it was half-asleep and nursing.

And... one last thing.

But be prepared...

Do not watch if you have problems with your sugar.

Do not watch if you have a stomach that doesn't handle sweets well.

Do not watch with others around you if you don't want to hear the obligatory "awwwwwwwwww" sound.

No really,

Don't do it.

Just ignore it.


Last warning.

1 comment:

Emeleth said...

Awww.... That's so CUUUUUTE! See? Now that's good marketing. Sort of glad at the moment that I'm NOT there to find the kitty iresistible. Cause I already have plenty. *sigh*